Tag Archives: impossible

Random Acts of Kindness!


This week, I read an article about a school in America that teaches its kids the importance of kindness. I was blown away by this discovery and found myself wishing that more schools taught kids how to be good citizens! One of their exercises involved going to the library to hide inspirational post-it notes in the books, which I thought was absolutely brilliant.

After reading about this, I was compelled to look up random acts of kindness on Google. Straight away, I found a website that listed tonnes of ideas for how to be kind: http://www.randomactsofkindness.org/kindness-ideas

The random acts of kindness thing really spoke to me, so I have decided to implement it in my life. It doesn’t cost much to say hi to stranger or buy a coffee for a homeless guy, but you can really make a difference to someone’s day if you do things like this! And so the first thing that I did was try out the post-it note thing in the library! Hopefully, the recipients of my hidden messages will smile at what they read 🙂

A few days later, I discovered a website called http://www.impossible.com, which I really recommend you to check out. It is a place where people can help each other to achieve their dreams and wishes. Even as I am writing this post, someone has just responded to my wish to become a writer and gave me some very insightful advice on how to get published! Impossible is a place where people share kindness and love, just because they can – IT’S FANTASTIC!!

So there you have it… random acts of kindness! Hopefully, I have inspired you to share the love 🙂